everyone must have an approved character before they can participate in a battle.
1.have your character health as high as it can go.
2.regular attacks are limited to 5000ap(attack points) and every character must have a last resort move and you can name it whatever you want it is 10000ap and must have a final blow(this is the final attack it is the only way to win)
3.you must have items(+40000hp) they help you live in the battle.
4.everyone must have power boost(+10ap),power boost+(+50ap)these give you more power.
5.everyone must have speed boost(+10spdp),speed boost+(50spdp)these stop your opponent from attacking from 1-5 times and you can only use these 4 times.
any one who breaks these rules will be warned the first time but the second time they will be banned.